Wow. How fortuitous.

I was just thinking about this very subject last night while I was watching the BBC show "Red Dwarf", the novelization of which I just finished reading.

It's far more pronounced in the book version, but the character Rimmer (If you don't know him, I suggest you look him up), is exactly this type of character. He has virtually no redeeming qualities, but he's been inflicted on the sole survivor of a derelict ship (after his own death, explanation too long for here), because the ship's AI has calculated he's the one person who can keep the survivor sane.

The show really only skims the reasons *why* Rimmer is the way he is, but still manages to make him sympathetic in his own way. The book delves deeper, so much so that you actually wind up feeling *sorry* for Rimmer, even while he continues to be a total Smeg-head.

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I watched some Red Dwarf a very very long time ago, and I don't remember much of it, but I always appreciate when an annoying character is given that much depth.

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I used to watch the original series in college (late 80's), so I was quite surprised to find out a few years ago that Red Dwarf is still an ongoing series. 12 seasons with a movie coming out soon.

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